
Welcome to Bigg Dawg Landscaping & Services, LLC.

The #1 source for your residential and commercial landscaping needs!
You can call us 603-854-0849 information or to set up a time for an estimate, or Contact Us

NH Landscaping services are provided to patrons within a 50 mile radius of Weare New Hampshire, Including Nashua, Manchester, Concord NH.

First Impressions.

The Exterior of your home or business sets the tone. Proper landscaping will enhance the value of your property, and can make your outdoor spaces more enjoyable and create more useable space. Protect your property from water damage with proper drainage.

Our Services:


Commercial and residential:
Lawn Mowing
Decrotive walls
Retaining walls
Fire pits

Site Work

Complete house lots
Commercial building sites
Commercial and residential septic systems
Install water main and services
Install sewer main and services
Drainage pipe
Septic inspections
Licensed nh installer since 1985

Certified Cliff Rock Installer

Complete outdoor kitchens
Water features to spruce up your pool area
Custom pool slides
Water falls
Diving rocks

We Can Help You To Make An Informed Decision

Landscape is defined as "An expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view. A picture depicting and expanse of scenery." Landscaping is both science and art, and requires good observation and design skills. A good landscaper understands the elements of nature, concepts of construction, and the elements required to create a beautiful and cohesive scene and understands how to properly maintain the landscape..


There are hundreds of businesses that call themselves "landscapers" or Landscape Management" companies. What separates Bigg Dawg Landscaping Services from the others is our process of understanding of your landscape needs through clear communication. We meld the options of construction techniques, material choices and budget into a cohesive proposal with he goal of making your vision a realty. Our years of hands on experience can offer you options that fit your needs, from stunning color, to solid erosion protection, proper drainage, to low maintenance solutions. We're not just a fleet of shiny new trucks and a brigade of mowers and tractors, we are experts in all aspects of landscaping. That is why we say At Bigg Dawg, one call does it all!


© 2025 Bigg Dawg Landscaping Services
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Land Clearing to Landscaping
One call does it all!
Bigg Dawg PH :603-854-0849
Serving a 50 mile radius of Weare NH. 03281
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8-4

Website design and hosting by Business Services Consultants